It seems every year at this time as I reflect on where I need to focus, it is always the area of my spirituality. In 2014 I chose my first word, surrender. In 2015, GO.
This year, I have been reflecting on what is going well. I am a little more surrendered than I was two years ago. However, I am very aware that it is a daily act we need to respond to. It is how we learn to walk as a Christian. It takes a daily commitment. You must be willing to let go and allow God to have the days, the moments and the ability to work in your life.
I do go more, or at least I set out to go. I know that God is at work all around me. I go with that intention. I go intending to walk toward His invitations. I try to move when I feel a nudge. But I am not sure I am always hearing or knowing what it is I should do. I become a little unengaged when my own agenda gets in the way.
But as always, I know I need to do more. I need to surrender more of my time. I need to go every time I am asked, not just when I want. This act of sanctification is always going to be occurring. I need to learn from each lesson. I aim to be more and more who He created me to be.
So, I have been thinking on a few words that help me achieve those goals. I know I need to balance. I get very involved in different pieces of my life: church, family, work, and me. I seem to be in a constant shift, trying to balance and find myself unbalanced all the time.
I thought of intention. But I know I intend to do many things. I intend to be different, I intend to learn and grow and respond.
So, as I searched the Word for what I would want my verse to be for 2016, it also revealed my word to me. My verse will be Joshua 1:8
"The book of instruction must not depart from your mouth; you are to recite it day and night so that you may carefully observe everything written in it. For then you will prosper and succeed in whatever you do."
I know as I surrender, and as I go...I need to see. However, I need to see with more than my eyes. I need to use my senses. I need to be engaged with intention. My word for 2016...observe. Which to me is an act of seeing, but with all of our senses. It is being aware of all that is around us. It takes more intention, purpose and time. It calls for reflections of what we find. As the scripture says, I need to do it with the word. But I also need to do it with my world.
I chose the word observe because it will require me to slow down and look outside myself. I will need to be engaged with those around me, using all my senses. It will give me more of a vision of what God is inviting me to be involved in. Observing is an act of seeing, listening, feeling, and engaging all my senses into a purpose of reflection. At times it will mean I will sit back and watch, other times engage. It will require me to question and seek. I will want to know the whys and what -ifs. It is something I can do in all areas of my life and will improve each of my roles.
I am excited about this word choice. I am noticing each of my words are verbs. All require action. God is calling me into action. I am excited to see what I will find as I observe. I am excited to know what reflection I will have 365 days from now. What will I learn? Where will it lead me? How will my words work together and continue to help me become a better me?