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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Surrendering Requires Discipline

I chose the word surrendered for my one word focus in 2014. I knew I had changes to make if I was going to live a life of surrender. Seven days in and I am seeing this word is the one word that represents a Christian life. It is a giving up of oneself. It is giving it all to God. Everything.

The first change I find myself working on is time. I had become a selfish user of my time. It was all about me. Of course, we all have things on our schedule that aren't all about ourselves, but what I found was when nothing was on my schedule, I took all that time and spent it doing simple, foolish tasks. I filled my time with nothing of value. It wouldn't help anyone. It wouldn't grow or change me. It wouldn't show an almighty God I love and am so thankful for Him and His work in my life. I was filling my life up with empty-void-minute-filling-tasks.

I had every excuse in the world. I am too tired. I just need to do brainless activity after such a full day. I deserve some down time. The excuses and the activity all revolved around ME.

To change that I had to initiate some self-discipline. I looked at my time and created a schedule that is filled with much more valuable items. I scheduled time I would spend in God's word, time to write, time to pray, time to read and time to be quiet and reflect. I will do the brainless activity still, but it will come after more time is spent on the best things.

I am quite certain God will continue to point out more changes I need to make. He will point out other things I need to surrender. I am realizing that this life was the life I was meant to live every year. Every day. Every moment. Surrendered to God's will.

In my devotion this morning was this, "Believing and trusting are hard work because they involve a surrendering process, a giving-up of control."  I have more to give up, more to set before Him that I have hung on to. He owns it all.

I know I have a year ahead where I will be learning how to surrender more.

"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline."
2 Timothy 1:7

1 comment:

  1. How honest you are, Terry, that we make excuses for our time, instead of making confessions of how we waste it! I love your word for 2014. I hope you will post this on Wednesday's link up! I didn't see it there... did I miss it? Please join in if not. Beautifully written, just beautiful! The link up is over at www.juanamikels.com


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