One day I made a choice to follow Christ. I decided to commit my life to Him, no longer wanting to be in charge, I wanted Him in charge. Then began the journey. I made a decision that day and He took hold of my hand. But like any child, I pulled from His hand and attempted to move my way, make my choices, turned away from His plan....and He has allowed it for a time, allowed me to taste the consequences of those decisions. But He knew the commitment I made, and knew I would realize over, and over again I needed Him. I can't get it right. But that tug of war continues. Like many Christians I always hang on to things. I still make decisions that are selfish, cowardly, trying to fit in here. I never really give totally. I reflect back on 2013 and I see I've come a long way from that young teen who made that decision. I pull less, and look away less....but He continues to show me areas I hold back. Which led me to choose my word for this upcoming year...surrendered. I want to daily seek out His will and make a more conscious effort to seek Him first...not myself.
So what will that look like?
My time. I eat away time doing silly, foolish things that make no difference. I need to surrender more of my time for things that shine God's light. I need to be in His Word, study it, understand, seek Him out. I need to see all His plans for me. He gave me a love for writing...maybe a little talent. I hardly write any more, I need to write more.
Building relationships. I don't give anyone enough of my time. My time is not intentional enough. I need to be more focused on those I know, those he places me with, those who may have needs I can meet. I use to be great about phone calls, letters/cards, spending time talking and listening. I need to be willing to sacrifice more. I need to be more Christ like...He was there, all the time, for everyone.
Prayer. My prayer life has grown...a lot. But, it isn't where it should be. My moments should be full of intentional prayer.
I want the work of my heart and my hands to bring others to know Christ as I know Him. I want many to experience the relationship I have.
The rest I know He will reveal to me. I need to be open and ready. Ready to see what He wants me to surrender. I need to be ready to do what He wants, when He wants and how He wants. I need to just follow where His hand leads me.
Want to find your own one word for 2014?? Check this out One Word
This is a beautiful word to guide you through 2014. I wish you luck and peace.