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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Discipline in 2012

I am not always one for making resolutions on New Year's Eve, but sometimes setting goals helps me to focus. So, I figure if I put it into writing here, I can always come back and remind myself of what I set out to do in the year 2012.

"Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong." -1 Cor. 16:13

I am feeling very strong about the need to stand on guard in this world today. And standing on guard requires discipline. And that is my goal....resolution....for 2012. To be more disciplined.

I am a haphazard kind of girl. I go in and out of modes of interests and focused activity. I believe without that focus and routine in some areas, I am allowing my guard to come down. So, in 2012, I will attempt to take the unorganized, unroutine, undisciplined me and try to create some habits that will focus me. There are a few areas in particular I plan to work on.

1. Scripture Reading: I really wanted to read through the whole bible this year. I began it, but didn't stick to it. So this year to help, I found an accountability partner and a website to help me focus on it. To be on guard and firm in the faith I need the word in my heart and soul, every day. I do like to pick up the bible and read random scripture (that is a part of my haphazard self), but I feel I need more focused study.

2. Money and budgeting: Tough one! But as my paycheck continues to move in the wrong direction with health insurance and paying retirement, I really need to be more focused and budgeted. I love flying out to Nebraska to see my grandchildren. I want to give 6 grandchildren a fun Christmas next year. I will never give up my tithes. I enjoy easy-relaxing-I-don't-have-to-cook-dinners on the weekends with my honey. And now I have a Nook I want to get books for. I am not real bad with impulse buying, but I have to be careful. So, I want to begin a budget this year. Sets limits and set aside for those things I care most about. Disciplined money spending. Using that which he has blessed me with in a purposed and mindful way.

3. My writing: I love it, enjoy it, want to do it....and then I go months without a word. I am not sure how that happens to me. I think I just allow silly, mundane, brainless activity to suck up my time, like facebook games (lack of discipline and routine). So I also need to set up a plan and routine for my writing. Devoting daily time to write. I know some of my writing has helped me to grow spiritually. I do feel God has blessed me with the desire to write, and I feel He wants me to exercise it.

So...as I say goodbye to 2011 and think about the things I have learned and experienced, I look forward to using that to make 2012 even better. Learning and growing is fascinating. Applying it even better. I publicly thank my heavenly Father for walking me through this year, carrying me through pain and sorrow, leading me through twists and turns, guiding me down His paths, and blessing me with amazing love, mercy and grace. May you continue to shape me and make me into the person you purposed and doing your work while I am here and on this earth. I love you my Lord!

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