What did you put in your mind today? How full is your mind as you read my post this evening?
I have found a change in me lately, and I believe it is because what I have entering my mind. I had become a bit of a facebook addict. I would play the games, check on posts, search for old friends...and I spent a lot of time doing it. Now in examining it, there really isn't anything wrong with what I was doing...except for what I wasn't doing.
So, I have made a shift. I do not turn my computer on in the morning, I open the bible and my journal. I begin to fill my mind with the things of God. On the way to work I listen to praise music or my favorite Christian music station.
In the evenings I am spending a lot of time with my writing, which as I mentioned yesterday gives me spiritual reflection. As I have started to empty my mind of the things of this world, and replaced it with the filling of the Word, prayer and praise...it has effected my mood and my outlook on my daily life. I have a different perspective. I am much more positive. I have increased in faith. I have peace.
I am sure most of you have heard the saying, garbage in, garbage out. It is so true with our spiritual journey. We need to feed ourselves. We need to have time to fill our minds with that which is good.
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things." Philiipians 4:8
So if these are things we put in...that is what would come out. Imagine tomorrow being a day that you have truth, noble and right behavior, pure and lovely actions, being admired by others, and walking among others in excellence and worthy of praise. And if more of us do it...what would our world be like?
May you always find salt and light in my words!
Very good advice, advice that I need to listen to. This hit home for me, thank you.