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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Need for Each Other

After being away from church for a while, upon return, there is something I miss...relationships with Christians. I can tell we are building them, but it takes time. It is a change in the church I really see, we have or at least we give less time to one another. Time to build relationships.
Possibly a part of the change is how we communicate now. We use facebook, email, cell phones, texting, and yes, even blogs. I have seen how using these things can be used as tools to build the kingdom, I also see it as a way Satan is breaking down relationships. Not only in church relationships, but our families as well.
There are positives to all these gadgets, I love being able to Skype with my long distance grandchildren, or text a quick message to someone to pass along information, I have loved finding people and getting  in touch on facebook, and you all know I am loving my time to write and blog nightly.
But I miss the fellowship of sharing a meal or a game night. Dinner on the grounds. Laughter and talking, sharing our struggles and celebrating our successes. I like the face to face contact, like a family meal around the table.
I am as guilty as others. I do not think of entertaining or making arrangements to get together.
I think we must use our tools for a purpose, and not allow them to take the place of things we need. I think we need to speak out, be friendly and be more hospitable with one another. There are some wonderful relationships we are missing out on. We must not stay so busy we forget our need to fellowship.
"Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling." 1 Peter 4:8,9
May you always find salt and light in my words!

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