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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Filling Empty Spaces

As I surrender my life to God, it requires a letting go of things of this world. This is not an easy release. I have taken years to develop these habits. I walk in the house and immediately turn something on, my head gets plugged right in and before you know it my time is gone and I have allowed all things worldly to saturate my mind and our heart.

Many times I would push myself to change those habits. I wouldn't turn on the television. I would leave the computer sitting and off. However, it doesn't take long before I am back where I left.

Why? I left that time idle. I did not replace it with things that will bring me closer to God. I didn't replace my activity with things that are purer. I needed to fill those empty spaces.

I need to build new habits. I want to wake in the morning and get my coffee....settle down, open His word and pray. I want to listen to His whisperings to my heart.

In the evenings I want to spend some time reading books of inspiration and challenge of my walk.

I want to write and spend time reflecting on His work in my life. I want to share with others the struggles of this walk. I want to have an army surrounding me to fight off the enemy.

I want to get into His Word and study it, get to know Him more. I want to hear his direction for me. I want to hear Him reveal my sins and show me where I need change. I want to understand who He really is, fall more deeply in love with him.

I want to spend time building relationships of accountability and ministry.

I want to spend time just praising Him.

I want to be doing worthwhile-life-changing-actions to change the lives of others.

I have plenty to fill those empty spaces. I'm making changes...SLOWLY. My eye is on the prize. I continue to run the race.

The world is much heavier to carry...filling those empty spaces with things more pure and holy...it is uplifting and invigorating.

Romans 12:2 "Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God-what is good and well-pleasing and perfect."

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