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Saturday, December 15, 2012

The Light of the Holiday

It has been too long since I have posted. But today, my words are filling my mind and I felt the need to write.

All this week I have been reminded of the need for Christmas. And by Christmas, I mean the real Christmas, the true meaning, not the celebration we attach to it.

I look around at the people who surround me, and now with technology that circle seems to have gotten very large. I see more, hear more and I am reminded more of the emptiness this world offers. We have blessings here that do bring us joy and happiness, but it doesn't fill the void. It seems temporary, and often can even be disappointing when we are let down, or when the momentary joy slips back into routine. We, as humans, seem to always be searching, trying to find that thing that will take up that space that is empty.

And then we are faced with tragedy and the real darkness of this world is big and bold.

It is then, I want to walk up to each and everyone and hand them the gift of Christmas. I want it to make sense to them. I want them to know they can fill that void. They can have peace, hope and faith that fills the void and lights that darkness.

That void is there to remind us, we should be in search of something. It isn't a religion and doesn't need to be found on a church pew.

When sin entered this world, that void was created. When Christ came as that little baby in a manger, He came for one purpose. He came to die, and to offer himself as the sacrifice so that we could fill that void again. So that we could enter back into fellowship, a relationship with God.

So, if you wonder what it is that you have to do....really, you have to realize that you need to let go. You work so hard at being the best you can be. You keep trying to find a way to fill that void. You try different churches, programs, hours of personal commitment to activities or pleasing others....and still come up empty. So, realize, you CAN'T do it. You need God. It is that simple.

For us, it can be hard to humble ourselves. Or to just understand, there isn't a thing we can do. We have to put our hands up to the  Holy God, and surrender. Surrender it all. And you will find that light reaching down to the deepest of depths, and filling all the emptiness. You will be changed. You only need to accept the real gift of Christmas.

I still walk in this world of darkness, and the tragedy still hurts. But I have a hope to look forward to. This world is only a stopping place....I do not belong here. The beautiful thing, it is nothing I could do or have done, no religion I tried (and I tried a few). It was just telling Jesus, I want a relationship with you. I accept the gift you provided.

What about you?

I am praying these words reach the hearts of those who need it. Praying the Holy Spirit will be present as you read it. Praying your heart is beating and you know you hear Him calling. Just let go and accept.

"He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people Israel." Luke 2:32
"He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead they will live for Christ who died and was raised for them." 2 Corinthians 5: 15

May my words always be salt and light to the reader of them.

1 comment:

  1. I loved learning more about your belief and faith here!

    {Thank you!}


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