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Monday, June 13, 2011

God Speaks in the Strangest Places

So, as I was cleaning out my refrigerator today,  I was thinking about this scripture:

"Search me, O God, and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." Psalms 139: 23, 24

Why you ask would  I be thinking about this scripture? Well, I was imagining God cleaning out my heart, as I was cleaning out my refrigerator...and I found some likenesses.

For instance, I found some things that were lost, they were lost behind the good things. Unnoticed. Forgotten. And it was because the good things were at the front. And I thought of the good things in my heart, they may have some other not-so-good-things hidden behind it...such as motives, emotions, pride, and lack of faith. What are the good things in your heart hiding? Search us O God.

Oh, then there were things that were just forgotten. I forgot they were there. I am sure God finds those things in my heart, and he brings them out to the surface so we can deal with them. Maybe a sin that didn't feel like a sin when it was done, but now the conviction brings it forth. Or a consequence of a choice I was unaware of or chose to forget. What do you have hidden in your heart? Search us O God.

Then there are always those things that are covered up in containers or wrappings. I think many of our hearts have the covered up things. Just buried deep inside. Things we don't care to discuss or look at or be reminded of. So we cover them up...but when God is cleaning up and cleaning out...he will open those up for us and allow us to discard them.  What do you have covered up? Bring forth what is offensive O God.

Once in a while you find something you had a desire for. You brought it home, craved it and hid it to enjoy later. Only to find out when you are cleaning up...it no longer had that appeal. Those opportunities set before us, God gave us the desire, called it to our attentions and we craved for it. But we do not always act on it. Sometimes we tend to hide it and save it for later. I believe God will remind us of those lost opportunities, hoping we will learn from our mistakes. We should act on the call at hand, move with the desires to be light to this world when he places them before us. What has God called you to do, what desire has he laid on your heart? Search us O God.

Which brings us to the expired dates. Things in our refrigerator have a shelf life and so do some of the things in our spiritual life. God presents us with opportunities, open doors and makes the way for us. But those doors will eventually close. We could be dealing with someone's lost soul. Hardened hearts. When God goes in to search our hearts, may He not find things we have allowed to sit and go wasted. Expired dates. What should you be doing before the expired date? What door could be closed? Search us O God.

Aren't you thankful for a God who will speak to us? Aren't you thankful for a God who will search our hearts...and lead us in the way everlasting. We only need to listen!

May you find salt and light in my words, always.

1 comment:

  1. I often find myself dwelling on this verse, but less often am I actually willing to surrender the things He reveals. Thank you for the reminder.


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