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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Seeing Behind the Scenes

I think I have posted about this before, so it must be something that does challenge me a little. I have faith, and I know God IS at work. But sometimes I wish I could see behind the scenes. Where is He connecting the dots?
One of the reasons I am thinking about this is because of this blog. I have two going, one is more of a place to practice fiction and I have some followers there. But here on this blog, I rarely know who is reading or what they are thinking about what they are reading. I post it to my facebook account so sometimes a friend or two will comment about something I wrote and I am excited.  I am writing this because I want God to use it. So when I hear someone share it is touching them, teaching them or making them question and think about God I am thrilled.
Then of course I get all human and start to question, do I really have anything here He can use?
And then I go back to the faith. God did lay this on my heart to do. So, I am  guessing   knowing it will be used. But I know God, He can hang on to these words out there in the cyber world and pull them out and use them when He needs them for someone. I just need to follow in obedience and do the writing. I think He is actually happier when we continue to work and we don't see the fruits. That is faith in action. He does bless us and allows us to see the fruit sometimes. But I look at some from biblical times, some never saw the promises, it was their future generations who did.
However, maybe because I am getting a little challenged by this task, I am going to change it up a bit. I am going to do some different things on different days. I haven't worked it all out yet. One thing I want to try is Fiction Fridays. I do love to write fiction, and I thought I could practice with characters with struggles in need of God.
 I also read something in a book tonight about when we sit in church we can be "receivers or reproducers" and the book described the purpose in church is not only to receive, but we should take what we receive and share, reproduce what we hear for the world around us. I have a wonderful pastor who preaches the bible....and I want to share what he is teaching, so one day a week I think I will be a reproducer.
Also, I have been reading a lot of blogs, and many have a wordless Wednesday where they share photos. There is a song I LOVE, and one of the lines that I love is "with all creation I sing, praise to the King of Kings" and I can see creation praising God. He has spoke into existence a beautiful world with incredible living and nonliving creations.  I want to start using my love of photography to capture some of these images to praise our creator on my Wordless Wednesdays (starting next week I guess). Right now I am just throwing some ideas out there.
 I want to be obedient. So, if I begin to discern He wants something else, I will move in that direction. I am not sure what hearts will be touched by my words, that is up to Him. If it is only one, then that is a blessing. God has given me a love for writing, and He has given me a place to play with it. I want to use these blessings for his glory.
So, as always I pray that my words are light and salt within this cyber world.

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